Английский язык за 10 класс Кауфман Учебник Happy English Титул lessons 1,2 10

Решебник / unit 4 / lessons 1,2 / 10

Unit 1

Lessons 1,2,3. Meet the main characters of the book

Lessons 4,5,6. Find your way at the airport

Lessons 7,8. We must phone the camp

Lessons 9,10,11. What's "Murphy's Law"?

Unit 2

Lessons 1, 2. Do you have a friend?

Lessons 3, 4, 5. What did you use to do in summer?

Lessons 6, 7, 8. Lisa's cabinmates

Lessons 9, 10. How to make friends?

Lessons 11, 12. Camp Pineland — traditions and rules

Lessons 15, 16. Project "Friends for life?"

Unit 3

Lessons 1, 2. What would you tell about Russia?

Lessons 3, 4. What country is described?

Lessons 5, 6, 7. "The Maple Leaf Forever"

Lessons 8, 9. Australia is an island, isn't it?

Lessons 10, 11. What achievements of your country are you proud of?

Lessons 12, 13. Test yourself

Lessons 16, 17, 18. Homereading

Unit 4

Lessons 1, 2. The clubs and how to select them

Lessons 3. Lisa gets the letter

Lessons 4, 5. Yosemite National Park

Lessons 6, 7, 8. What did Lisa see in Yosemite National Park?

Lessons 9, 10, 11. What happened on the Merced River

Lessons 12, 13. Testyourself

Lessons 16, 17, 18. Homereading

Unit 5

Lessons 1,2. "Just in my dreams you let me into your heart..."

Lessons 3,4. It turned out that Dima had always known that David

Lessons 5,6. "All the world's a stage"

Lessons 7,8. What is RP?

Lessons 12,13. Testyourself

Lessons 16,17,18. Homereading

Готовая домашняя работа с ответами по Английскому языку за 10 класс Кауфман Учебник Happy English Титул 2014 ФГОС - Lessons 1, 2. The clubs and how to select them 10